Using Python Locally: Linux

It’s time to get Python running independently on your own computer! This will require some setup along with learning some new things about your computer, such as how to use a command line interface.

If that sounds intimidating, don’t worry. While learning to use the command line can seem scary, it’s not bad at all if you learn it in steps and practice regularly. Before you know it, you’ll find interacting with your computer via the command line super useful and even fun!


These instructions apply to Ubuntu Linux. If you are running another flavor of Linux, you may find some differences. If so, we expect that you know how to use your operating system well enough to work through them.

Getting Familiar with the Command Line

Before we install Python on our computers, let’s get familiar with the command line.

Opening Terminal

Open the Terminal application. You can do this by clicking on the Ubuntu icon in the Launcher and searching for “Terminal”.

Once Terminal is open, right-click on its icon in the Launcher and select Lock to Launcher. We’ll be using Terminal quite a bit, and this will keep it at short reach.

Practice the command line

We’re going to use Appendix A from the online book Learn Python the Hard Way (don’t worry, the book is more approachable than it sounds). This section is called Command Line Crash Course and it contains 15 short tutorials teaching you the basics of how to interact with your computer’s file and operating systems using a “terminal” or “shell”.

Installing and Running Python Locally

By “locally” we mean that you are now about to install and run Python directly on your computer, as opposed to through some web-based or remote tool. Please follow all of the instructions below exactly.

Install a code editor

First, we’ll install Visual Studio Code, a general-purpose code editor. There are lots of great code editors out there, but we’ll use Visual Studio Code in large part due to its nice Python extension, which includes a very useful debugger.

To install Visual Studio Code (VS Code):

  1. Go to Visual Studio Code and select the Linux .deb installer to download. If this option is not displayed on the green button, select the Stable .deb package using the dropdown arrow).
  2. Follow the instructions to run VS Code on Linux.
  3. In Terminal, run code to open VS Code.
  4. Select View > Extensions within VS Code. In the Extensions menu that will appear, you’ll see an option named “Python” with a subheader of “Linting, Debugging(multi-threaded...)”. Click the green “Install” button for this extension.
  5. Add Visual Studio Code to the Launcher, just as you did with Terminal above.

Install Miniconda Python 3

Now let’s install Python 3 using Miniconda. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Conda and download the Miniconda “Python 3.6” Linux 64-bit (bash installer) (Note: the version may have changed since the time of this writing; just make sure to select the latest version of Python beginning with “3.”).
  2. In the Terminal application, change to your Downloads/ directory: cd ~/Downloads
  3. Run the installer script: bash When asked if you want to prepend your path in .bashrc with the Miniconda Python path, enter “yes”.
  4. Close and reopen your Terminal window for the changes to take effect.
  5. Verify that Python 3 installed correctly by opening Terminal and typing python -V. It should print to the screen the version of Python you just installed.

Make Your First Local Python Program

Follow these steps to get your first Python program up and running on your computer:

  1. Make a directory to store your Python code on your computer using Terminal.
    1. Make sure you are in your home directory with the command cd ~
    2. Make a new directory named “lc101”: mkdir lc101
    3. Move into that directory: cd lc101
  2. Enter your Python code and run it.
    1. Create a file in that directory named “”: touch
    2. Open your “lc101” directory in the Visual Studio Code editor from Terminal with the command: code .
    3. In your code editor, open and type print("Hello, World!"). Then save the file (you can use the shortcut ctrl + S).
    4. Back in Terminal, run the program by typing python You should see “Hello, World!” appear (without the quotes).

Congratulations on running your first python program locally!!

Now you’re ready work on the second part of Initials.